About Harvard Online

"Harvard combines pioneering expertise in online learning with over 350 years of experience in residential pedagogy. By sharing Harvard’s ideas with the world we help define the future of education.”

- Bharat Anand, Vice Provost for Advances in Learning

Harvard Online brings learners an extensive catalog of courses built on global expertise and research. Curated series of courses combine faculty and disciplines from across the University to extend learning opportunities.

Each course was developed by Harvard’s Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning (VPAL). VPAL seeks to shape the future of education by discovering new ways to build the competence, curiosity, and confidence of learners on our campuses and around the world. We create engaging and scalable learning experiences, cultivate inspiring ideas, and connect a global community of learners while developing tools, technologies, platforms, and policies to reduce friction throughout the learning lifecycle.

cumulative learners

certificates earned

active course offerings