Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age

Lead an effective cybersecurity strategy

Develop a personalized mitigation strategy for your organization’s networks, systems, and data to successfully respond to cyberattacks.

Featuring faculty from:
August 2024
8 weeks
8-11 hours per week
Program Dates
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What You'll Learn

With news of large-scale cybersecurity threats and cyberattacks frequently dominating headlines, cyber risk management has become a fundamental component of business operations. 

The Cybersecurity: Managing Risk in the Information Age online short course from Harvard’s Office of the Vice Provost for Advances in Learning (VPAL), in association with HarvardX will teach you how to identify and manage operational, litigation, and reputational risk. Guided by experts, you’ll learn to assess and mitigate specific vulnerabilities within an organization’s networks, systems, and data. Gain the skills and tools to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your company's digital assets.

The course will be delivered via Get SmarterBy the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Build and recommend a cybersecurity leadership plan
  • Develop a cyber risk mitigation strategy that includes the appropriate legal and compliance steps for reporting and responding to cyberattacks
  • Understand cybersecurity and the value of an organization-wide approach
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Your Instructor

Eric Rosenbach is the Director of the Defending Digital Democracy Project, and Co-Director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School. He has previously served as the Chief of Staff to US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, and the Assistant Secretary of Defense. He held the position of Chief Security Officer for Tiscali, the largest pan-European internet service provider, and is a former US Army Intelligence Officer.

Who Will Benefit

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Develop the knowledge to lead your business through the complexities of the cybersecurity landscape and the know-how to set appropriate budget guides for this task.

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Upskill in a rapidly changing field and build confidence in a key area of importance in your role.

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Learn to interpret and communicate the implications of cyber threats to stakeholders.

Learner Testimonials

"This course was a great way for me to look at cybersecurity through the executive lens. It has forever changed my view of how our organization approaches the topic. The assignments were detailed yet succinct, enabling me to complete them despite my busy schedule. The work was challenging yet manageable, and the combination of self-paced and group work made the course more stimulating and effective. The final paper was not only a great capstone for the course, but a useful artifact for our organization as we develop cybersecurity strategies and programs for ourselves and others."

Bill Hughes
Founder & CEO, CyberHabits

Earn Your Certificate

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